Monday, June 25, 2007

Club Recruitment Day (June 22)

Dance Club Groups

Rockers and Rollers
Turners & Shakers
Spinners & Swayers
Wigglers & Twisters
Thumpers & Groovers

Club Members

Here are some of the members of the club...
The Sophomore Boys

The Sophomore Girls

The Juniors

The Seniors

Dance Club Officers

Officers SY 2006 - 2007

Lovely Beth Tibayan

Jyle Badillo

Jewel Punzalan

Hazeline Panagniban
Assistant Secretary

Jesusa Montes

Monica Encarnacion
Assistant Treasurer

Patricia Leyba

The Moderators

Ms. Mary Grace Alos

Mr. Roderick Bubihis

Mr. Jay Calanog

Dance Club Profile


1. The name of the association shall be known as OLCA High School Dance Club or simply Dance Club.
2. The OLCA High School Dance Club shall be classified as a non-academic club.


1. To develop the talent and skills of students in dancing
2. To build the self-confidence and pride of its members
3. To develop teamwork and camaraderie among members
4. To help students express themselves through dance
5. To instill a positive self-image to its members
6. To promotes a positive, motivating, and inspiring atmosphere for dancers
7. To provide students the opportunity to perform dances of various styles and to choreograph if they so desire
8. To give recognition to outstanding achievements of its members


1. The club is open for membership to all OLCA high school students with talent and skills in dancing or students who wants to learn about dancing.
2. Membership fee shall be Php 3.00 per month (June – March).
3. Membership is valid for one school year.
4. Membership to the club shall be forfeited in case the student dropped from school or failed to pay dues for 2 consecutive months.
5. The moderators of the club have the right to refuse the membership of a student if he/she:
a. have not performed his duties and obligations during the past school year
b. have not followed the constitution and by-laws of the club
c. have not been a member of the club for at least a year if he/she is a fourth year student
6. The moderators may require an audition for membership, if the need arises


1. Every member shall see to it that the objectives of the club are fully promoted.
2. Every member has the right to express his opinion and give comments and suggestions for the sake of the club.
3. Every member shall perform tasks in line with the objectives of the club as what may be prescribed by the moderators of the club.
4. It is the duty of the every member to be loyal and sincere to the club and its constitution and to contribute to its development and welfare.
5. It is the duty of the members to actively participate in every undertaking of the club.


1. The OLCA High School Dance Club of the following officers: A President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer and an Auditor.
2. There shall be a Board of Leaders, which will be composed of all the leaders of all the 10 groups of the Dance Club.
3. The Group Leader shall be appointed by moderators and must not be an officer of the club
4. The moderators shall choose an assistant leader who shall perform the duties of the leader in case of his/her absence and inability


All the officers have the duty:
a. to attend regular and special meetings for the club
b. to be the leaders in the promotion of the club’s objectives
c. to ensure that the objectives of the club are met and achieved
d. to call the attention of a member or co-officer who is not properly behaving or performing his duties and obligations
e. to vote when the need arises
f. to develop and execute activities that will meet the objectives of the club
g. to assist the moderators in supervising members during meetings, practices and activities
h. to perform other duties that may be assigned by the moderators

The duties of the President shall be:
a. to preside over the club meetings with the moderators
b. to create groups necessary to carry out various activities of the club.
c. to represent the association whenever such representation is needed.
d. to coordinate with other club presidents who are involved with the activity of the club.
e. To supervise over the activities of the club

The duties of the Vice-President shall be:
a. to assist the President in the performance of his/her duties
b. to act as the president and exercise the same power and privileges, in case of his/her absence
c. to perform other duties that may be assigned by the moderators of the President

The duties of the Secretary shall be:
a. to keep a complete roster of members and the records of the club
b. to do the writing and encoding jobs for the club
c. to officially notify the officers and members about meetings, practices, and other activities.
d. to receive complaints, reports, comments, problems and suggestions filed by any member
e. to check the attendance of the members during meetings, practices and activities
f. to perform the tasks of the secretary to the third year and fourth year students

The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
a. to collect the monthly dues and other fees that are needed to be collected from the members
b. to keep the funds of the organization before the remittance to the student council
c. to remit funds to the Student Council Treasurer
d. to prepare and submit financial report of the club
e. to keep financial records, receipts and documents to the club
f. to perform the tasks of the treasurer to the third year and fourth year students

The duties of the Assistant Secretary shall be:
a. to assist the Secretary in the performance of his/her duties
b. to perform other duties that may be assigned by the moderators, the president or the secretary
c. to act as the secretary and exercise the same power and privileges, in case of his/her absence and inability
d. to perform the tasks of the secretary to the first year and second year students

The duties of the Assistant Treasurer shall be:
a. to assist the Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties
b. to perform other duties that may be assigned by the moderators, the president or the treasurer
c. to act as the treasurer and exercise the same power and privileges, in case of his/her absence and inability
d. to perform the tasks of the treasurer to the first year and second year students

The duties of the Auditor shall be:
a. to check the financial accounts of the club
b. to see to it that funds are properly utilized for the intended activity or program

The duties of the member of the Board of Leaders
a. to represent the his/her group on special meetings and activities
b. to send the messages, comments and suggestions of his/her group mates
c. to assist the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer by:
c.1. disseminating information and notices to the members of his/her group
c.2. collecting the monthly dues and other fees that are needed to be collected from the members of the his/her group
c.3. keeping the funds of the group before the remittance to the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer
c.4. checking the attendance of the members of his/her group during meetings, practices and activities


1. An annual election of officers shall be done at the start of the school year
2. The election shall be supervised by the moderators of the club
3. Only the members present during the elections are allowed to be nominated
4. The President must be a senior student and a member of the club for at least two consecutive years
5. The Vice-President must be a junior student and a member of the club for at least one year
6. The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Auditor must be senior students.
7. The Assistant Secretary and the Assistant Treasurer may come from any level.
8. In the election of officers, the guidelines stated in the student handbook shall be followed.
9. The elected officers should follow the guidelines stated in the student handbook.


Any officer of the club could be removed from position under the following circumstances:
a. negligence of duty
b. dishonesty
c. absenteeism
d. abuse of authority

Any member of the club could be removed from the club under the following circumstances:
a. insubordination
b. misbehavior
c. frequent absences
d. other offences against this rules and regulations of the club


1. The moderators together with the officers and board of leaders shall have regular meeting every 2nd Thursday of the month
2. Special Meetings may be called when need arises
3. All the members are required to attend the meeting and activity of the club during activity day.
4. Practices and workshops may be called by the moderators if need arises.
5. Scheduled practices and workshops must be attended by the selected members and dance participants.
6. All the activities of the club must be aligned with its objectives.
7. The rules and regulations of the school about practices especially on weekends must be strictly followed.


1. The club shall adopt an official logo
2. The name of the club shall not be used for unjust, unlawful or immoral ends.
3. No officers shall receive personal remuneration for the services rendered to the clubThe officers and members of the club should follow all existing rules and regulations of the school